Why Charlotta loved her job as a Cabin Crew Supervisor - succes on team building supported a long career

Airpro has offered Cabin Crew Management for airlines over 20 years. During these years we’ve enjoyed the professionalism of many talented Cabin Crew Members and today we are thrilled to know one of them better: Charlotta is currently managing our Security Services unit and she has a strong background in cabin crew.  

“I started to work for Cabin Crew Services at Airpro in 2003 and made an 18-year long career in the unit. It was interesting to get to work with many different airlines during those years. I worked as supervisor for our charter airline customers for about 15 years, before I pursued new challenges within Airpro,” tells Charlotta. 

 “The best thing about working in Cabin Crew was our community of colleagues. We always managed to find the best people for Cabin Crew. It was common to receive hundreds of applications every year in the seasonal recruitment for our customer airlines.

The individuals had excellent communication skills and commonly previous customer service experience. We also had to look for one´s ability to handle emergency situations. Usually, the applicants who had background e.g., as travel guide or health-care professionals were the ones who were familiar with them", Charlotta recalls.


Collaborative Cabin Crew Recruitment 

When Airpro recruits on behalf of the airline, an open collaboration builds the trust. We agree together whether the airline wants to take part in recruitment or final selections. Recruitments are always conducted by Airpro’s HR and Cabin Crew Recruitment Specialists, meaning our customer airlines can trust the quality and reliability of the process.


“At the interviews we wanted to paint a realistic picture of the work. After all, it is a shift work and for some airlines the layovers might be long. We have also asked for our permanent Cabin Crew Members to assist us on the interviews and answer the questions of the applicants to make sure everyone understood the nature of the Cabin Crew work", Charlotta explains. This vast recruitment experience with distinct methods still serves as an excellent basis for today's recruitments.


Charlotta flew as a supervisor occasionally and was happy to see the results of the successful recruitments. “I really enjoyed working with the crew. Everyone was so easy-going, and we shared the same interest to help each other. Many had incredible problem-solving skills and we arranged everything together, no matter of the situation.” Airpro assigns a supervisor for each customer airlines cabin crew team and the objective is that supervisor flies regularly with them to ensure full support and growth for the team.

Airpro as an industry expert in Cabin Crew recruitment in Finland

“Different technical solutions used by Airpro in recruitments have also supported me as a manager of the security services at the airport. Meaning that we are active in different social media channels, and we utilize effectively web page optimization. Last time we recruited new security service officers to Helsinki Airport we received three times more applications with these techniques, than on the previous recruitment”, Charlotta says. 



Need a flexible solution to recruit cabin crew for your airline? Please contact us to learn more: cabinservices@airpro.fi

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