Staff wellbeing

We prioritize staff wellbeing. As a leading provider of entry-level jobs for young people, we emphasise responsibility and fairness in our recruitment and HR policies.

Our social responsibility focus areas 2023:

Fair workplace, Occupational health, Work benefit: bicycles.

Appealing and fair workplace

Our main Social Figures

In 2023, we experienced strong growth in both working hours and recruitments. We employed on average 1,300 people, with approximately 60% at Helsinki Airport and 40% at regional airports. We believe in on-the-job training and coaching. The average number of training days per person in the fiscal year 2023 was 1.1 days.


Resposible Personnell Business

We are a major provider for entry level jobs for young people. Responsibility and fairness are the cornerstones of our recruitment and HR policies. A positive employee experience is central to our strategy and is manifested in everything we do.



We promote the equal placement of women and men in different roles and provide equal opportunities for advancement. We develop working conditions that are suitable for both women and men and aim at preventing discrimination based on gender.

Age & gender

Occupational health

Finding a balance between work and leisure.

In 2023, we updated our partnership with Mehiläinen for occupational health services. We are expanding our collaboration with them to enhance 
support in various areas, especially during the recruitment process, as we receive increased assistance from occupational health. The work shift planning was also improved to better facilitate the balance between work and leisure time, as well as recovery.

Leading with data

A personnel survey was renewed, and the updated questionnaire was conducted in the latter part of 2023. Reviewing the research results 
and subsequent development is scheduled for the first half of 2024. In addition, wellbeing management skills will be coached in all responsibility roles, involving employees as well.

Aiming at lower accident frequency

Work safety and wellbeing

To bring the accident frequency rate up to our target level (25% improvement), we are investing in the content and visualisation of our safety communication. We are using video communication tools both to remind our staff of the current risks and and as a way of reacting to safety trends.

Risk Management 

We will focus on the day-to-day management of safety at work and on everyday actions. To support this, we have an early intervention model, proactive hazard identification and comprehensive risk management in 
all areas of the business. 
We are working to reduce the accident frequency through safety communication and everyday actions.

Our top commitments for 2024


improvement in accident frequency.


improvement on eNPS.

Trial program

multilingual recruitment at Helsinki Security.