Reducing our footprint

We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint. We are proud of our zero-emission equipment and work towards cutting down on the use of de-icing chemicals. We recycle and upcycle our work uniforms.

Our environmental focus areas in 2023:

Electric Ground Handling, Non-Road Diesel, Clothing recycling.

Emission savings at the airport

Electrification of Ground Handling Service Equipment

We are the first company in the Nordics to invest in zero-emission technology. 70% of our ground handling service equipment at Helsinki Airport is powered by electricity.

Reduced Ground Handling Emissions

We switched to 100% renewable motor fuel oil at Helsinki Airport end of November 2023, leading to major emission savings.

Reduced Glycol Consumption

We are pioneering in reduction of pure propylene glycol consumption in de-icing mixers, leading to signifigantly lower environmental burden.

Major results

At Helsinki Airport, Neste's refueling points switched to renewable fuel oil starting from November 27, 2023, which resulted in halving our emissions.


Renewable motor fuel oil

Our CO2 emissions mainly arise from the energy consumption of our ground handling service equipment and vehicles. Therefore, we are changing the heating units of our motorized machines to operate on a more sustainable motor fuel oil, renewable Neste MY Renewable Diesel™, at all our network airports. This work has been completed at Helsinki Airport and some of the Lapland Airports.


Zero emission equipment

In 2023, we had a potential to save up to 3598 CO2 t by using electric ground handling service equipment. The same amount of emissions is caused by one person on a flight from Helsinki to Brussels. We operated on 871 turnarounds in Helsinki-Vantaa per week.

Single electric turnaround in numbers

CO2 savings: 173 kg CO2

Equivalent to one person flight 
from Helsinki to Brussels.

Turnarounds we operate
Helsinki Airport per week.

Recycled uniforms in numbers

Textile waste: 2076 kg

CO2 savings: 6863 kg CO2

Water saved 1,1 million litres

Our top commitments for 2024


net zero emissions.


airports using double-mixing.


zero-emission energy in our facilities.