From Outfits to Outdoor Furniture – Airpro Workwear Recycled into Composite


As a part of Finavia Corporation, Airpro has committed to a recycling concept that transforms previously used textiles into composite materials utilized for example in the production of outdoor furniture.

Airpro workwear is heavily influenced by sustainable values. The clothes are made from durable and high-quality fabrics that are recycled effectively when they have served their purpose as workwear. Once at the end of their life cycle as workwear, a majority of our clothing is transformed into composite that can be used in the production of landscape and outdoor furniture.

Due to the recycling and reutilization process, the workwear materials do not generate any waste and carbon dioxide emissions are over 80 percent smaller than if the clothes were incinerated. Also, the composite furniture made out of the recycled workwear last up to 50 years in use. After this the furniture can be processed into new composite products.

The Many Possibilities of Recycling

All broken clothes or ones that feature old brand details are recycled into composite. Shoes and gloves are also approved. However, textiles that have been exposed to glycol are not acceptable for recycling and will be disposed of in a different way.

Airpro workwear accessories also feature aspects of recycling and reutilized materials: both the scarves and the tool bags worn by our staff have been made out of recycled plastic bottles.


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